ngga deng,
(knapa ngga? kalo iya juga gapapa sih cha..hehe)
beneran ngga. ini tuh gw mau cerita tentang lagu dari salah satu penyanyi favorit gw.
as u can see in my favorite stuff list yang gw taro di bagian kanan blog ini, gw adalah penggemar Jamie Cullum. dan judul postingan ini adalah sebuah judul lagu dia dari albumnya Jamie yang bertajuk Pointless Nostalgic, album sebelum Twentysomething. oke, perkenalannya cukup sampe sini.
gw suka sama liriknya (dari lagu ini). dia mengkritisi para artis pop yang dengan mudahnya muncul ke permukaan dan langsung melejit bak roket ke atas awan. kalo baca liriknya, kalian bisa ngeliat pemikirannya Jamie tentang seorang popstar. lucu deh, jalan pemikirannya. liriknya itu seperti ini:

I Want to Be a Popstar
Jamie Cullum
Why is it all these fakers
Seem to make the morning papers?
They're selling records by the million, seems so easy in my opinion
Look at the Jazz Star, he really needs some guts
Playing from seven to midnight, surviving on peanuts
Selling records by the dozen
Probably sold his tenor to make 'em
With artwork designed by his brother
And liner notes by his mother
Told what to do, miming to a tape
While a team of experts make sure you're looking great
Taking a limo to your own private bar
My God! I want to be a popstar!
Going to get on the T.V and go on dates with only the pretty
Maybe next year I'll pretend to be gay
I'll sell more records in a flash that way
Makes no difference if i look like a nut
Every kid in the world is going to copy my haircut
I'll advertise some trainers, maybe even a car
Shrewd product placement will gurantee I'm a star
An ugly guy will write my songs
Surley there is nothing wrong
Retiring when I'm 22
With a house a car and nothing to do
Instantaneous satisfaction it will be
Got no need for artistic credibility
With this attitude I'm bound to go far
My God! I want to be a popstar!
Where's the middle ground?
It's hard to make a living with you own true sound
What road am I going to tread?
What the hell would i do instead?
There may be no tours in Roma, or drug-induced designer coma
No teenage girls when show is over, I prefer my women older
Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about
Sometimes it would be nice to play a place and sell out
Driving to a gig in my brand new sports car
My God! I want to be a popstar!
Maybe its too easy, to move so quickly so far
Who wants to be a popstar?
Seem to make the morning papers?
They're selling records by the million, seems so easy in my opinion
Look at the Jazz Star, he really needs some guts
Playing from seven to midnight, surviving on peanuts
Selling records by the dozen
Probably sold his tenor to make 'em
With artwork designed by his brother
And liner notes by his mother
Told what to do, miming to a tape
While a team of experts make sure you're looking great
Taking a limo to your own private bar
My God! I want to be a popstar!
Going to get on the T.V and go on dates with only the pretty
Maybe next year I'll pretend to be gay
I'll sell more records in a flash that way
Makes no difference if i look like a nut
Every kid in the world is going to copy my haircut
I'll advertise some trainers, maybe even a car
Shrewd product placement will gurantee I'm a star
An ugly guy will write my songs
Surley there is nothing wrong
Retiring when I'm 22
With a house a car and nothing to do
Instantaneous satisfaction it will be
Got no need for artistic credibility
With this attitude I'm bound to go far
My God! I want to be a popstar!
Where's the middle ground?
It's hard to make a living with you own true sound
What road am I going to tread?
What the hell would i do instead?
There may be no tours in Roma, or drug-induced designer coma
No teenage girls when show is over, I prefer my women older
Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about
Sometimes it would be nice to play a place and sell out
Driving to a gig in my brand new sports car
My God! I want to be a popstar!
Maybe its too easy, to move so quickly so far
Who wants to be a popstar?
kalo mau denger lagunya, nih ada:
I Want To Be A Popstar - Jamie Cullum
nuff said. gw setuju banget sama bang Jamie soal ini. dia ngiri sama penyanyi2 pop yang dengan mudahnya terkenal tanpa harus bekerja keras. dengan seketika mereka langsung melejit tanpa mempedulikan sisi artistik atau kualitas dari seorang penyanyi. yang dipentingin itu adalah penampilan. justru essence dari seorang artis atau penyanyi itu kadang2 mereka lupain. beda banget sama penyanyi2 jazz (seperti dia salah satunya) yang lebih mengagungkan sisi artistiknya ketimbang yang lain. mereka terkenal bukan karena hal2 dari luar, tapi justru dari dalem diri mereka. mereka bernyanyi karena mereka ingin bernyanyi, bukan karena mereka ingin terkenal. yaa kira2 itulah yang gw tangkep dari pemikiran bang Jamie Cullum. keliatan kan, artis2 pop kebanyakan lebih populer daripada artis2 jazz, padahal kalo dilihat dari kualitas mereka, artis jazz lebih punya kualitas musikal daripada artis pop.
gw bukannya mau mendiskriminasi, karena emang gak semua artis jazz begitu dan gak semua artis pop begitu juga. gw juga masih suka dengerin pop kok. cuman gw liat aja skarang kenyataannya gimana, pop emang (masih) lebih diterima masyarakat ketimbang jazz. apalagi sekarang band2 pop-melayu dan solois pop lagi menjamur banget. artis2 jazz makin susah aja buat naik. eheheheeee.
udah ah, kok jadi serius gini. mending dengerin aja lagunya sambil having fun, toh bang Jamie juga pengen jadi popstar. heheheee
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