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Pamulang, Indonesia
damn my education, i can't find the words to say about the things caught in my mind. always dreaming, never realizing. the in-between girl, trapped in reality while longing for the fantasy. have a thing for Noel Gallagher and obsessed with UK.

Dec 12, 2008


cuman mau bilang,

TWILIGHT is mesmerizing !!!!!!!!

not to mention the gorgeous Kristen Stewart.. she was dazzling as always..
and oh yeah, Robbert Pattinson was freaky at first but he made his way of making the audiences awed at his impression as Edward Cullen a.k.a the vampire
towards the end.

gw nonton uda dari hari kamis kemaren, dan rasanya masih membekas dalam benak gw. gw jadi pengen punya pacar vampir kalo pacar vampirnya itu adalah Edward Cullen. meheheheee. biasa lah. reaksi seorang cewek setelah nonton film yang berhubungan dengan intersex relationship (don't get me wrong.. what i mean is hubungan lain jenis. alias kisah jalinan cinta antara lelaki dan wanita. ilfil kan lo sama kata2 gw barusan? well, u should. meheheee)

knapa gw pilih kata "mesmerizing"?
karena menurut gw, intrik dari film ini masih ngambil tema umum, konflik yang standar, dan cara penyelesaian yang biasa. so the word "awesome" was not qualified in this circumstance.
mungkin ini karena yang bikin bukunya dan yang nyutradarain adalah seorang perempuan, jadi mereka tau dimana hati para cewek2 bisa tersentuh kalo mereka nonton film ini.. (well, it works well with me :p) in other word, this movie mesmerized me..
terbukti kan bayang2 film twilight masih terngiang di benak gw.
i envy the relationship that Bella Swan and Edward Cullen had.

well, i won't tell you the rest of the story.. just watch it (or read it). i won't become the spoiler. i swear.

after i enjoyed watching the movie, now i'm focusing on reading the novel..
seharian udah sampe halaman 162..
dan gw harus mengistirahatkan mata gw karena gw baca novelnya di komputer (hasil unduhan internet..mehehehee), bahasa inggris pula.. mata gw capek juga mesti bolak-balik buka kamus..mehehehehee

hmm. bintang 3 stngah buat Twilight.

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